Sunday, April 19, 2009

Proarms review of Ruger LCP

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1 comment:

Oberstlt said...

The LCP appears from my perspective to be becoming like a Slim Jim, you either love them or you hate them. Candidly, I am shocked that Ruger would issue a gun that would be this controversial. I have always been of the opinion that all Ruger's worked superbly but it appears that there are real issues and concerns with the LCP.

With 380 ball becoming even more rare than everything else, ammo testing is apparently a real issue. You not only need the superduper ninja ammo but you need practice ammo too! Owning a 380 is getting to the point of being as hard to find ammo for as the 9.8 Kropodkin!

The 380 is a marginal round for self-defense, slighly better than noting. But, there are lots of them and some of us are satisfied with them.

I would be interested in comparing the LCP with my Walther PPS. The PPS has had its fair share of complaints as well but mine has been reliable when clean (less than 100 rounds) but pick about JHPs (No +P+ thank you).