Thursday, August 6, 2009

Police Shooting 2 Pigeonforge, Tenn.


Oberstlt said...

Eight for nine under pressure is certainly a tribute to the ability of the officer shooter. I did not see the other officer (Nate) shoot which I thought was another display of good judgment under pressure.

The dash cam also makes an excellent witness as to the sequence of events leading up to this dynamic critical incident. But it does not have true perspective as it is lacks depth.

The approach to the vehicle was, however, not done per the SOP I was trained for in 1977. I especially dislike tinted windows even for people from Florida. I think they should be outlawed and violators flogged. Naturally, I think spinners and low ride tires should be punishable by death for felony bad taste.

Glock26idpa said...

I agree the non-shooting oficer hungout a little to close to the car for my taste, but I have no training!