Monday, March 2, 2009

Self-defense trigger pulls

Please listen to this no matter what gun you carry for defense! What do you think?


Hit the little play button............


Oberstlt said...

It has been a while since I have seen the scary light trigger pulls I once did. People used to get the actions worked until they would be very light in DA and superlight in SA. However, I think Glocks have shows us that actions don't need to be light, just smooth.

Generally, I think home gun plumbing or bad gun butchering will get you in trouble should you be involved in an incident. If you are a real constable most PDs absolutely prohibit modifying a street gun. This is not the case for game or target only guns but you need not give the plaintiffs attorney any assistance.

Anonymous said...

I think it's good advice. At typical self defense distances, how much is it REALLY going to help your accuracy to have a very light trigger on your defensive piece?? But it can hurt you immeasurably if the wrong people get involved as demonstrated in this podcast.
If you're practicing properly, you can overcome any stock trigger. Then use that same unmodified gun in IDPA competition to build confidence in your carry piece.
Adam (no, the other one)