Sunday, May 3, 2009

IDPA: Training or Just a Game? By STEVE DENNEY

A good read! Click on the title and it will take you to the article.


1 comment:

Oberstlt said...

To me, IDPA is not training. Training is where you go to learn a concept or skill or theory. But, nor should it be just another game either! We already have games. The purpose of scoring and the timer in IDPA to my way of thinking is to put pressure on the shooter and to measure accuracy. I think of it more like a sort of test or evaluation.

This is a great article but in my view it is unlikely to increase our LEO attendance at IDPA venues. Most LEOs are young with young families and generally do not like to spend their few weekends hanging about with me! But, make no mistake about it, this is much better than the firearms I got in 1977. I think it may be better than most LEAs offer today even with FATS, Force-on-force and other nifty new training fads. It is a much better evaluation than the annual/semi/quarterly qualifications required/performed by LEAs today!