Sunday, May 10, 2009

Black Creek 5/9/09


Oberstlt said...

You know what I am going to say even before I say it. Surrender position? no cover ('cept you) and rooney guns? Is this IDPA I ask myself? Was yesterday so hot? I think they need to re-evaluate their allegiance! I am shocked, shocked I say, to see this going on. I only wish I could have gone...

Glock26idpa said...

Woould you have worn concealment? It was very warm!


Glock26idpa said...

Jim Taylor is leaving the country for awhile AND due to the on coming heat Black Creek is cutting the round count down a little... I think Anton said 6 to 8 stages at most... someone correct me if I'm wrong...


Oberstlt said...

You wore concealment on at least some of the stages! I am sorry to hear that JT is heading over to the ME again. We are soon to be like the Irish and have a primary export of people.

Glock26idpa said...

It was a little warm but I shot every stage from cocealment. Just all depends on what you are there for! You going to rivanna Stuart ? I actually think i'm going to make it this month!


Oberstlt said...

Creek not rising, I think I shall attend the IDPA Match at RRPC. Want to ride? I have invited TechMan but Jeffro is excused duty. We may also be honored by DUSM up but not back. The world is full of flakeyness!

RRPC puts on an excellent IDPA Match in my experience. The MD has read the rules. I hate that!