Every once in awhile a good.....no.... I say GREAT Match Director is born, not afraid to show his true feelings about a sport....and a doll he truly loves.
On this almost rainy Rivanna IDPA match our leader Dave S. marched from stage to stage explaining every nuance of his great stages, the whole time holding a tiny doll in his support arm.
Shooters from far( that would be Stuart) and wide (that would be Thornton) came to bow at the feet of Rivanna IDPA. A goodtime was had by all and the best men truly did win! Congrats to everyone who came in first in there division and class ( even those of you without class and you know who you are!) A special thumbs up to Tim Raynes for being the overall winner ( he can be seen in the center of the photo, he is about the same size as the doll)!
Thanks Rivanna!
You see, that is an IDPA match! Nothing too difficult. No surrender positions. The people up there in the PRC (peoples republik of Cville) know how it is done.
I am so going to catch up with you... That is hilarious! Thanks! Glad you all enjoyed the match. Had to adapt a little for the non-rain event but at least it wasn't cold like the last time.
Thanks for the support from our big-city brothers and sisters.
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